Sunday, July 07, 2024

How We Make Wine

author's note:

"Drink me."
       — from Alice in Wonderland


Some use alchemy as a metaphor
when talking about personal transformation

but gold seems such a lofty goal.
I believe a better metaphor
would be winemaking.

Consider my reasoning:

like the grape cut from the vine
so many of us get stomped on—
repeatedly stomped—crushed.

But those stomps are just the first step:
we must process our experience—
we must process
in the quiet stillness of the cellar—
process and develop
down in dusty catacombs.

The process can’t be rushed.
But when the time finally comes
what’s made in the basement
must be brought up—
I say:
the resurrection isn’t complete
until we pull the cork and pour
so others can drink.

Maybe I’m not vintage
but even a middling wine can elevate—
all you’ve got to do
is lift this topfull glass.

Glorious Tedious Transformation: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2024, Michael R. Patton

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