Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The Taming of the Terrific Two

author’s note:

Artwork by Dr. Sal de Mar.


Looking for a righteous cause
a modest couple adopted
two wild-eyed orphans
from the far-flung mountains
of Tierra del Fuego.

But the kids didn’t seem to appreciate
that well-intentioned gift—
the restraint of their new tidy home
spurred them to a rebellion of storm.

Those little inferno tornadoes
spun through the rooms—
whirling papers, overturning chairs,
ripping through curtains and couch cushions.

But the patient parents persisted in their discipline—
telling the terrific two:
in order to function in this world
you must learn to sit still
for more than the length of a sneeze.

And indeed, the kids eventually did
out of respect.  But
were only able to tolerate the harness
because they still danced in their hearts
to the song of the del Fuego blaze
playing in their heads.

Fortunately as adults
they’ve found ways to express their fire
within the lines of lawful conduct:

we see them lighting the torch of a righteous cause.

Maybe the rustic philosopher said it best
when she said:

lightning tamed
will not destroy
but light the way
for us all.

Get the Message: a short guide for understanding dreams
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Light of December at Midnight

author's note:

Posting this poem each year has become Christmas tradition with me.


Night feels darker in December

and as I open to
the strange deep quiet
of Solstice
I stop my walk

to re-examine
the outdoor nativity scene
that before seemed so kitsch.
But now
I suddenly see

the pink plastic baby
lying in tinsel straw
is the new life
hidden in my heart--

a slow gestation,
the birth, not guaranteed.

Then I see
that glittery styrofoam star
is the wise one within--
the one who often sighs with sadness
at the sight of my rough antics.

Then--alas!--I see
that plywood cow beside the manger
is the domestic animal I usually am--
the unenlightened me.

Yes, this bovine is quite dim
but I can see my vision has improved--
consider this:
I’m seeing light I missed last year.

So this hope remains:
to eventually grow
into a wise old child
who can gaze into the mundane
and realize
the glory of its light.

Listening to Silence: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2022, Michael R. Patton

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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Weight

author’s note:

Not to be confused with the song of the same name.

The weight in the poem is a different type of burden than the one described in the song.  Heavier.


In the dream
I carried the world on my shoulders

and felt unfairly burdened

until I looked around the crowd
and saw how everyone else also struggled
to remain upright.

The weight just might break the human race.

Some say
the weight comes from the knowledge
death always watches
and may suddenly become impatient.

Some say the same in another way—
they say
the weight comes from
our distrust of the world—
the instinct that keeps us alive.

I feel myself wrapped inside
that state of mind

except in those moments
when the stronger me breaks free.

In the openness of release
I may again experience
the unknown enormity
of a sky and planet so grand.

At such times
life seems much too much—
even in peace the weight stays with me.

since I can’t get rid of the weight
I’ve decided to embrace the burden—

I tell myself:
if you didn’t feel the weight
you wouldn’t struggle so hard to be strong.

Get the Message: a short guide for understanding dreams
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Sunset Celebration

author’s note:

Yes, I truly believe there’s a big bank.


At the end
as our little Earth
sails into the sunset
I hope those left on deck
will hoist their glasses
in celebration of our accomplishment.

After all, to survive that long
we had to rise above
the dictates of our reptilian brain.

A higher degree earned
after millennia of pain.

I reject the thought
all that good work will be lost
as this planet rides the waves into the sun.

No, I say:
such wisdom goes
into a big bank somewhere—
where?  Somewhere.
Souls all over this universe
make deposits.

I won’t be there at our end
but I will be there at my own
and on my death bed
I’ll hoist a glass if I can—
I’ll celebrate what I’ve learned
during my class time on Earth.
I’ll know:

my rough ride on these waves
has been worth the pain
of frequent seasickness
because the gain won’t be lost
but stored for purposes
this tiny mind can’t possibly imagine.

Get the Message: a short guide for understanding dreams
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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