Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Cleaning Below the Surface

author’s note:

We’re serving our country.


Don’t tell me
to write to my congressman
or congresswoman--
why waste time
asking them
to clean this mess up?

Yes, they know a lot
about surfaces.
But little, apparently
about deep cleaning.

I, on the other hand, saw the need
to go below the surface years ago.
When my curiosity
led me to a murky shadow
I ran from the basement.
But that shadow shadowed me
so I went back in
and began to clean.

Now many of my many shadows glow.

The crew I’m on
waits in the wings
for end of this show--
ready to clean the stage
up and down.

If you haven’t heard of us
I’m not surprised--
hard to hear honest work
amid the dizzy cacophony
of a mess belonging to all.

I’m Responsible: ebook
myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2022, Michael R. Patton

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

The Fortune Teller Tells Me

author’s note:

Physician, heal thyself.
          -- ancient proverb


In fear, we nearly destroy our life here--
fearing for our survival
we infect cities, forests, fields, and seas.

Then fearing for survival
we find the strength we need
to resurrect our world.

So her crystal ball does offer some hope.

But I tell her
I think I’d feel better
if I could do more to help
during these feverish times.

The fortune teller then tells me:
you could resurrect yourself.

dream steps blog
you tube channel
Poet, Heal Thyself: poetry ebook
© 2022, Michael R. Patton

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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Myth from a Man Adrift

author’s note:

I recently heard an interview with a poet who said he’d decided not to use metaphor.  Ever.

To that I say: if there’s an ocean raging inside me, I’m going to tell you there’s an ocean raging inside me.


Our conflict began
when the first cell
   by all the forces within
   struggling for expression--
broke in half.

The two cells born from this breakage
then jockeyed for position--
both wanted to rule.
The heat of their friction
caused each to boil then break
and when they broke they broke
in half.

So then there were four
which only increased the fever of conflict.
Soon, the four split into eight
then that eight split into sixteen--
on and on and on it went.

As we fought one another
temperatures rose steadily.
Nonetheless, we would not stop.
And so, we kept on splitting.

As a result
today the oceans swell and swirl with heat--
waters out of control devour the shore.
I believe in short time, we’ll be overwhelmed--
--unmoored--adrift--no land in sight.
We’ll lack stable points of reference.

In the sea
you might think you’re stationary
as you bob up and down
only to discover one day
you’ve gone hundreds
or even thousands of miles.

You don't tell the current what to do
the current tells you:
so be prepared for your ego to erode.
I say so because I know--
I floundered for years.

Searching for stability
I began to expand my feelers
downward and upward
but also outward
through the waters--

I can now I feel my feelers connecting
with the feelers
of myriad others also drifting--
also stretching--also searching
for connection.
This network could eventually unite us all
as we try to keep ourselves afloat
over the ruins of a sunken world.

I believe our hearts

will all beat in-synch then.
We’ll be back where we began:
we’ll know ourselves to be one.

But of course, the original cell
wasn’t really at peace with itself.

What will we decide to be
when the waters cool?--
when the oceans subside?--
when we’re back on solid land?
Will we begin to split apart again?

Or will we each
work to make peace
with all those forces of life
stirring and struggling inside
the human heart?

myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2022, Michael R. Patton

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Thursday, April 07, 2022

The Deep Truth

author's note:

I think we dream in order to see the truth.


Science has demonstrated:

if two people--any two--
stay in a small room together
for more than twenty-four hours
their hearts will began to beat in synch--
yes, their hearts will be in harmony!

A finding which seems to go against
what we both know, based on experience:
close quarters cause friction, tension.

Well, yes:
within the limitations of this space
I often feel at odds with you
as I struggle with all the conflict
gnarling in my head.

But then
in the peace of a quiet moment
I’ll hear my heart again
and once again realize
the truth of our deep harmony.

myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2022, Michael R. Patton

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