I never lose my empathy. But sometimes I manage to ignore it.
When you see me, you see my wounds
then feel my wounds.
then try to soothe my wounds.
I know I’m the only one who can heal those wounds.
I’m not done trying.
But the long tedium of the work tires me.
So I go to see you.
This deep diver needs to breathe
at least once week—needs
the relaxing empathy of our Sundays.
But I’d just stay home and watch the game
if I didn’t know
I soothe your deep wounds too.
Poet, Heal Thyself: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2024, Michael R. Patton
Labels: empathy, growth, healing, meditation, peace, poem, poetry, relationship, spoken word, symbiotic, wounds