An Education in the Cave
Though I’m still pretty dim, recent dreams show me attending college.
So, at least I've graduated from high school.
The wise one told me:
when the first gods found the first humans
fumbling around in fog
they decided to brighten the sun.
But to see the truth so suddenly
shocked the humans—
they ran into a cave to hide
then got lost deep inside that dark maze.
A hard life—
stumbling around without light.
But in time, people adjusted.
Incredible as it may seem
eventually, humans forgot they couldn’t see.
But oh—
sometimes we remember
when we collide with a stalactite
or get bitten by a bat
or worse yet
fall into a pit.
Oh yeah, I told the wise one
I’ve known the pain
of the collision—
the toothy sting—
the hard landing.
After so many severe reminders
I’ve devoted my life
to the struggle to see.
Ah yes, the wise one replied:
calamity can awaken
our desire for clarity.
But wise one, I asked
if you’re so bright
why can’t you guide me
out of this dim cavern?
My teacher then gave me
this last insight:
Before I found my light
I felt the same doubt you feel now
so I do what I can to help.
But alas, that’s limited.
The final irony is:
the only one who can lead you
to your light
is that wise one within.
Get the Message: a short guide for understanding dreams
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2024, Michael R. Patton
Labels: awareness, fable, growth, healing, light, myth, pain, peace, poem, poetry, spoken word, story, transformation, wisdom