Blessed Affliction
author’s note:
When I found the above cartoon recently, I wondered why I’d made that drawing years ago.
So I wrote a poem and discovered why.
She didn’t see the cause
of her problems
until she dreamt that dream
in which she tried to rise
but fell over sideways
and then watched her long blue wing
flap helplessly against the ground
in puffs of dust.
When she awoke
our heroine could then see
her invisible reality:
on one side
she had a wing instead of an arm.
And on the other, no wing, just the arm.
No wonder she kept falling
when she tried to ascend.
No wonder the boxes
she tried to lift
often fell to the ground.
Now she knew why
some people fall into the dust
time after time after time
and struggle so much
when they try to carry boxes.
With such folk she’s now found a home.
Under that roof
they gather to grieve their plight.
But also encourage themselves
by sharing stories
of afflicted individuals
who never stopped trying to fly—
who never stopped trying
to lift boxes.
And so they continued to grow
until they grew
not only another wing
but another arm too.
Those stories have shown our heroine
the blessing inherent in her affliction:
if she didn’t have that one wing
she wouldn’t feel such a strong desire to fly
and if she had two arms, instead of just one
she wouldn’t want to lift boxes so badly.
Driven to lift
and driven to fly
she may eventually earn
another wing and another arm
and then carry boxes while in flight.
Poet, Heal Thyself: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2024, Michael R. Patton
When I found the above cartoon recently, I wondered why I’d made that drawing years ago.
So I wrote a poem and discovered why.
She didn’t see the cause
of her problems
until she dreamt that dream
in which she tried to rise
but fell over sideways
and then watched her long blue wing
flap helplessly against the ground
in puffs of dust.
When she awoke
our heroine could then see
her invisible reality:
on one side
she had a wing instead of an arm.
And on the other, no wing, just the arm.
No wonder she kept falling
when she tried to ascend.
No wonder the boxes
she tried to lift
often fell to the ground.
Now she knew why
some people fall into the dust
time after time after time
and struggle so much
when they try to carry boxes.
With such folk she’s now found a home.
Under that roof
they gather to grieve their plight.
But also encourage themselves
by sharing stories
of afflicted individuals
who never stopped trying to fly—
who never stopped trying
to lift boxes.
And so they continued to grow
until they grew
not only another wing
but another arm too.
Those stories have shown our heroine
the blessing inherent in her affliction:
if she didn’t have that one wing
she wouldn’t feel such a strong desire to fly
and if she had two arms, instead of just one
she wouldn’t want to lift boxes so badly.
Driven to lift
and driven to fly
she may eventually earn
another wing and another arm
and then carry boxes while in flight.
Poet, Heal Thyself: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2024, Michael R. Patton
Labels: awareness, blessing, change, courage, dream, flight, growth, healing, new age, new mythology, poem, poetry, spoken word, strength, transformation, wings
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