Signs of Higher Life
Did this event actually happen?
Yes. Maybe times. In different ways.
As I wait to cross the blaring street
in the glare of a summer’s day
I feel the urge to elevate above
the dull feeling of the mundane.
So I search for signs of higher life—
maybe someone
in this swarming sweating crowd
shines with the beatific beauty
that comes from within.
But in so many faces I find walls.
The same wall I see in my own face
when I spot my image
on the lens of someone’s sunglasses.
Maybe I built that wall to hide
how I struggle to deal
with all the stuff
this life stuffs into our lives.
Suddenly I feel compassion
for all those people
who like me, struggle behind walls.
by that wave of emotion
I lower my head
and prop myself against a lamp post.
In the next moment
someone asks me:
Are you alright?
A show of empathy.
A wall has fallen.
For a moment, at least.
Thanks. Don’t worry—I’m quite alright.
I answer.
by the concern of a stranger
then I walk on.
Though my wall only fell
for a moment
in that moment
I found the beauty
of two human spirits
and got the lift I needed
on a glaring summer’s day.
Survival: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2025, Michael R. Patton
Labels: beatific, beauty, compassion, empathy, new age, new mythology, poem, poetry, spirit, spoken word, wall