Thursday, September 28, 2023

The High-Pitched Voice

author’s note:

“Life is woof.”
         -- anonymous dog


As I travel this convoluted path
I’m accompanied by a strong dog
that growls when it senses danger.

But if a voice inside then says “go forward”
I’ll force myself to ignore the dog
and accept unreasonable risk

while enduring people
who see my way as haphazard.

Yes, I worry
when the dog begins to whimper in fear
a dream once promised me
if I went where I needed to go
no matter where that might be
I’d eventually arrive at a garden.

When I awoke I felt a deep desire
to find that paradise.
But how I could know where I needed to go?
I would not go until I knew.

A voice I did not recognize
then said:
“stand and walk and do as instructed.”

That sudden turn spun my head.
Hooked by mystery and myth--
I decided to trust.
I stood up and began to walk.

I haven’t yet found the garden
but now I can see
this twisted path
spirals up a mountain.

So today I still feel
a grand sense of purpose.

sometimes when I’m led into trouble
I will join with the dog
and bark back at
that maddening high-pitched voice.

Common Courage: poetry book
myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

My Best Guess

author’s note:

My ideas will evolve, I'm sure.  But I don't think I'll find a better best guess.


As a child I tied myself up

in order to survive.

Now as a captive adult
I work to undo the tangle

because I realize
for my spirit to survive
I must go against
old survival tactics.

What could be the benefit
of a design that creates
so much inner conflict?
My best guess is based
on what seems most apparent:
we are learning to be strong.

First, by fighting for life
as all other beasts do.
Then by fighting for our soul
within the lines of this human zoo.

Searching for my best beliefs: poetry book
myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Healing Cough

author’s note:

To all those in the coughing chorus.


As a child I took in
so much toxic stuff.

For decades now
I’ve struggled to cough out
all that suffocating dust.

I do not lament.
I write to celebrate
this chest work I’m doing
and to show I'm fighting--
fighting for my life.
I am coming back to life.
I hack with pain
but also with joy.

I want to bellow this song!

But alas
at this time
I can only cough.

Poet, Heal Thyself: poetry book
myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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Friday, September 15, 2023

That Relentless Fire of Life

author’s note:

I’ve never been cool.


I believed I could find my peaceful waters
if I sat down
and forgot the world outside.

But when I closed my eyes
I discovered a fire flickering inside.
My breath seemed to stir the beast.
The heat intensified--flames began to leap.

What had I done? What could I do
with that growing fire of life?

I witnessed potential hazards:
I saw people flash up
and crash down.
I saw others turn their fire inside out
and devour the tinders of this world.

To try drown my flames would drown my life.
To try to run away
would blow the blaze into wildness.

I had to learn to live with
the gift that possesses.

To help with acceptance
I again sat down
and concentrated down
but this time allowed myself to fully feel
what can still seem unbearable--
that relentless ferocity of life:
what we all hold
what we all bear.

Years later
and my education continues:
I’m still trying
to burn strong without raging.
I’m still trying
to love being a sacrificial offering.

Any success is partial at best.
But I’m at peace with the thought
that I may never be at peace.

Listening to Silence: poetry book
myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Singing the Words of Little Heavens

author’s note:

“He words me, girls, he words me!”
         -- Shakespeare, from Antony & Cleopatra


I once went to heaven in a dream

then labored to write of the experience
hoping to create an incantation
that would transport
all those trying to rise to the sky.

But I could not find words so divine--
any description seemed at best
a pale imitation of bliss.

Yet I continue
to attempt the impossible
and each time
I again feel what I lost
and as desire reawakens
I reach up

and again suffer
that old frustration and strain.

But I’ll go numb
if I just sit around--
occasionally I need to stretch
and besides

though I never touch
the heaven of my dreams
by trying, I lift myself
(at least a bit)
and while I’m up
I sing the words of little heavens.

Common Courage: poetry book
myth steps blog
dream steps blog
you tube channel
© 2023, Michael R. Patton

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