Universal Sigh
I can’t get through this poem without sighing.
Science still hasn’t determined
the exact purpose of the sigh
but based on my own empirical research
I can state with confidence:
When we lack adequate language
we breathe a deep sigh
and in that way
give voice to the soul
and in so doing
ease the heart’s burden.
my heart would’ve collapsed long ago
from the strain of being a human being
had I not occasionally exhaled
the sigh that expresses this wish:
If only things could be different.
But sighs aid in other situations as well.
For instance:
My heart stopped
when I first saw
that stark violet mountain
but then started again
when I released a deep sigh.
I believe sighs also help
the hearts of other creatures—
many times I’ve heard soul
in a dog’s sigh. I’ve also heard soul
in the sighs of cats.
I remember the first time
I felt a tree sigh:
As I lay in the fallen leaves
beneath those bare black branches
what I felt in that sigh
was what I often feel in mine
when I listen deeply
and that is:
this life is too much for me
and yet, I want more life.
Based on empirical research
I say:
the whole damn Universe sighs!
I have felt the mountain sigh
as the stars appeared in the blue-black sky.
Then felt the soulful sigh
of the moon rising over the peak.
Then felt the stars sigh
as they gazed down upon me.
I then answered them all
with my own full sigh.
I always feel less alien
when I sigh along with the song
of the great Universal sigh.
Poet, Heal Thyself: poetry book
dream steps blog
myth steps blog
you tube channel
© 2024, Michael R. Patton
Labels: cat, dog, healing, heart, meditation, new age, peace, poem, poetry, sigh, spirituality, spoken word