Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Standing Still

author’s note:

“May you live in interesting times.”

I hear that expression used a lot these days.  It’s supposed to be a traditional Chinese curse.  But whether you see it as a blessing or a curse, I ask: when have our times not been interesting?


Yes, I know our human world
has always churned
but never with such agitation--
feeling the disturbance, we worry

which only makes the world shake more.

Years ago
I began to feel
the ground tremor--
as if ready to erupt
beneath my feet

so I ran
here and there
and here and there
and back again
and back again--
never pausing long enough
to feel my fear

I finally realized I’d collapse
if I didn’t stop and learn
how to deal with my fear.

By standing still
I then begin to sense a strength--
a strength I believe waited long
for the chance to be known--
waited, watching
this scared lizard scurry.

I’m not saying I’m strong--
just stronger, and becoming stronger still.
But no matter how strong I become
I know I’ll probably always
feel much fear
as I feel the ground shake

and I know
from time to time
my fear of my fear
may overwhelm me
and I’ll begin to run again.

But at least now
I’m strong enough to stop
before I go too far.

Maybe to hope is to be a fool
but if fool like me
can stand his fear
maybe there’s reason to hope
many more fools will stop running
and by standing still
convince us of our strength.

40 New Fables: ebook
Soultime: a novel
© 2021, Michael R. Patton

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